There is a distinction between corrective and wellness chiropractic. Corrective chiropractic care focuses on correcting problems within the spine, while wellness care aims to maintain spinal health. If you want to experience true spinal rehabilitation, corrective chiropractic can be a life-changing treatment.
What is chiropractic correction care?
Corrective chiropractic care is a form of rehabilitative chiropractic that focuses on correcting spinal misalignments and musculoskeletal problems. Corrective chiropractic care is provided by chiropractors who use techniques like Chiropractic BioPhysics, which includes mirror image spinal adjustment, mirror image exercise, and corrective tension to restore the proper alignment of the spine, as well as function to associated structures.
Corrective chiropractic is used to treat conditions such as chronic back pain, herniated discs, headaches, sciatica, and auto accident injuries in Lake Mary, Florida or sports injuries. Corrective chiropractic can be used to treat conditions like chronic back pain or herniated discs. It also helps with headaches, sciatica, and auto accidents.
What is the difference between wellness chiropractic and chiropractic care?
Both aim to promote health and well-being, but they are different in their treatment methods and focuses. Wellness chiropractic is focused on maintaining a healthy spine. Corrective Chiropractic, on the other hand, corrects abnormal spinal alignment. It is important to maintain normal spinal load-bearing, which reduces the risk of arthritis and other degenerative conditions. If you have a spine that is not properly supported, it can cause disc pathology, joint issues, and nerve irritation.
Corrective Chiropractic Offices Use X-rays
Even if your chiropractor is a correctional care specialist, the initial consultation and examination will include X-rays. The X-rays provide valuable information to your chiropractor about the structure and alignment of your spine. This information allows them to accurately assess the condition and alignment of the vertebrae and discs.
Your chiropractor will use information from your exam and X-rays to create a personalized treatment plan. They will also educate you about the condition of the spine and how best to proceed with care. Without X-rays, your chiropractor may adjust a spine that is already compromised without making the necessary corrections to maintain its health. X-rays can also be used to track the progress of your spine during treatment.
What to Expect
You may notice some differences if you’ve been to a wellness chiropractic office where the sessions are quick and there are only adjustment tables. You might notice the following at a chiropractic office that specializes in corrective care:
– Specialized traction vehicles
– Physical therapy equipment
– Tables with Assisted Stretching
– Activators, chiropractic tools, and other tools
The two types of chiropractic care, wellness and corrective, are not mutually exclusive. Many chiropractors combine aspects of corrective and wellbeing care depending on the needs and goals of each patient. Some patients will initially seek corrective treatment to address specific problems and then move on to wellness care when the underlying issues have been resolved. Be sure to talk about your health concerns, goals, and preferences with an experienced chiropractor. They can make personalized recommendations and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs.
The Wellness Way, a Lake Mary chiropractic office, is one team with one vision. Championing the importance of health to the world while inspiring hope through health restoration. The Wellness Way is passionate about health freedom because no one but you should be making health care decisions for your family. It’s time to join the health revolution and take an unapologetic approach to health, health restoration, and health freedom.